
Photopea is an online image editor designed to work with bitmap and vector graphics.
The Photopea online editor is optimized to work comfortably on any device (computer, laptop, tablet or phone) and does not require an Internet connection during editing (offline mode).
There is an unofficial Electron client for the Photopea online service, which works similarly to the Browser version. After downloading, the client can work in the offline mode, without an active connection to the Internet, once the caching is finished (the cache is in the ~/.config/Photopea directory).
The interface of the service and the client is made similar to the interface of Adobe Photoshop (commercial raster graphics editor), the available functionality allows you to solve simple (image cropping, resizing, etc.) and complex tasks (creating web pages, illustrations, photo editing, etc.).
Photopea thanks to the “Quick Start Menu” quickly create a new project (blank or by template), open a saved one (local or online), you can simultaneously open several projects, in tabs.
The main tools are in a small panel on the left side of the Photopea workspace, with everything you may need to edit images. The editor offers a large number of visual effects that can be applied to individual images or to the whole project.
Photopea supports layer editing (you can edit layers without changing the actual content) and the use of filters, offers a large number of fonts (both the most popular and exotic), has a large collection of brushes and provides the ability to import your own.
Photopea offers a large set of tools for working with vector graphics, it supports work (import and export) with most popular graphic formats (vector and raster), mouse and/or keyboard shortcuts can be used for controlling.
Photopea is free (FREE), but there are paid services that don’t affect the main editor’s functionality, but only extend the secondary functions (e.g., no ads).